It is possible to upload various Direct Debit and Credit Transfer file types. This section describes the most popular file types available

Nuapay supports a number of import file formats for both Direct Debit and Credit Transfer payments.

Direct Debit Files

The following file formats are available:

  • STD-18 (generally used in the UK for GBP payments but may also be used in Ireland for EUR transactions)
  • PAIN.008.001.02
  • PAIN.008.001.08
  • Nuapay’s Generic CSV

The STD-18 and PAIN files all follow the rules governing these file formats. For more information, please review the published specifications for these file types.

The Generic Direct Debit CSV format

If you want to use Nuapay’s Generic CSV format, provide the following details in a CSV:

Heading Required/Optional Description Format
SepaMandateId Required The unique mandate reference. For Bacs, specify the DDI reference. Max 35 characters Alphanumeric
DomesticMandateId Optional A secondary mandate reference, which may be ignored Max 35 characters Alphanumeric
CollectionDate Required The collection (settlement) date required Must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD format
CollectionAmount Required The value of the payment to be collected Max 12 characters Numeric - 2 decimals.
Remittance Optional The remittance information for the payment 140 characters Alphanumeric
EndToEndId Conditional A unique identifier for the transaction. For Bacs, you must provide an End-to-end in the format + unique alphanumeric code, up to a maximumof 18 characters. If your DDI reference is ABCD123 then your End-to-End should be ABCD123-01, for example. Max 35 Alpha numeric
Reserve1 N/A Reserve field - not used N/A
Reserve2 N/A Reserve field - not used N/A
Reserve3 N/A Reserve field - not used N/A
Reserve4 N/A Reserve field - not used N/A
Reserve5 N/A Reserve field - not used N/A

A sample CSV would be formatted as below:

ORI0003569057123,,2024-03-29,1000.50,Remittance Information 1,,,,,,
ORI0003569057822,,2024-03-29,20.90,Remittance Information2,,,,,,
ORI0003569057695,,2024-03-29,3000,Remittance Information3,,,,,,


  • The date format may be modified if you open your file in Excel (a date set to 2024-03-29 originally, for example, and saved will be modified in Excel to be 29/03/2024 when the file is reopened later). To avoid this, we recommend that you use a text editor when working with your CSV file. The date must be provided as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Where you provide an end-to-end identifier, it must be unique.
  • If you do not provide an end-to-end identifier for a SEPA transaction, the system will automatically generate one.
  • You must provide an end-to-end for Bacs transactions and it must begin with the DDI reference and be a maximum of 18 characters. See The DDI Reference and End-to-End Identifiers in Bacs for more details on this.

Credit Transfer Files

The following file formats are available:

  • STD-18 (generally used in the UK for GBP payments but may also be used in Ireland for EUR transactions)
  • PAIN.001.001.03
  • PAIN.001.001.09
  • Nuapay’s Generic CSV

The STD-18 and PAIN files all follow the rules governing these file formats. For more information, please review the published specifications for these file types.

The Generic Credit Transfer CSV format

If you want to use Nuapay’s Generic CSV format, provide the following details in a CSV:

Heading Required/Optional Description Format Notes
BeneficiaryName Conditional Beneficiary’s Name Text 70 Required if this is the first payment to the beneficiary
BeneficiaryAddressLine1 Optional Beneficiary’s Address Line 1 Text 70  
BeneficiaryAddressLine2 Optional Beneficiary’s Address Line 2 Text 70  
BeneficiaryAddressCity/Town Optional City/Town of Beneficiary’s Address Text 35  
BeneficiaryAddressPostCode Optional Postal Code of Beneficiary’s Address Text 16  
BeneficiaryAddressState/Province/County Optional State/Province/County of Beneficiary’s Address Text 35  
BeneficiaryAddressCountry Optional Country of Beneficiary’s Address ISO3166 Country Code 2  
DescriptionofPurpose Optional Description of Payment Purpose Text 140  
BeneficiaryemailAddress Optional Beneficiary’s Email Address Text 254  
BeneficiaryPhoneNumber Optional Beneficiary’s Phone Number Text 50  
BeneficiaryMobilePhone Optional Beneficiary’s Mobile Phone Number Text 50  
BeneficiaryLanguage Optional Beneficiary’s Language Enumeration. May be one of: EN, FR, DE, ES, NL, IT  
DomesticAccountCountry Conditional Country of Domestic Account ISO3166 Country Code 2 Not required if providing a Beneficiary IBAN
DomesticBankCode Conditional Domestic Bank Code Text 70 Not required if providing a Beneficiary IBAN
DomesticBranchCode Conditional Domestic Branch Code Text 70 Not required if providing a Beneficiary IBAN
DomesticAccountNumber Conditional Domestic Account Number Text 70 Not required if providing a Beneficiary IBAN
DomesticAccountChecksum Conditional Domestic Account Checksum Text 35 Not required if providing a Beneficiary IBAN
BeneficiaryAccountBIC Optional Beneficiary’s Account BIC Text 11  
BeneficiaryAccountIBAN Conditional Beneficiary’s Account IBAN Text 35 Not required if domestic account details are provided
OriginatorAccount Required Originator’s Account Text 70  
RequestedExecutionDate Required Requested Execution Date Must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD format  
PaymentAmount Required Payment Amount Decimal 12 (Fraction=2)  
PaymentReference Optional Payment Reference Text 35 For GBP payments this max is 18 characters
RemittanceInformation Optional Remittance Information Text 140  
PaymentFrequency Optional Payment Frequency Text 11 ONCE_OFF DAILY WEEKLY BIWEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY
ReserveField1 Optional Reserved Field 1 Text 140 If initiating an FPS payment (GBP currency), set this value to EXPRESS; if initiating a GBP Bacs payment, set this value to STANDARD otherwise empty.
ReserveField2 Optional Reserved Field 2 Text 140  
ReserveField3 Optional Reserved Field 3 Text 140  
ReserveField4 Optional Reserved Field 4 Text 140  
ReserveField5 Optional Reserved Field 5 Text 140  

A (basic) sample CSV would be formatted as follows:

John Smith,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CY17002001280000001200527600,IE63AIBK93106511111234,2024-03-29,326,,Remittance Info,,,,,,
Jane Doe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NL69INGB0123456789,IE63AIBK93106511111234,2024-03-29,629.38,,Remittance Info,,,,,,
Max Mustermann,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DE25370502991000122343,IE63AIBK93106511111234,2024-03-29,642,,Remittance Info,,,,,,


  • The date format may be modified if you open your file in Excel (a date set to 2024-03-29 originally, for example, and saved will be modified in Excel to be 29/03/2024 when the file is reopened later). To avoid this, we recommend that you use a text editor when working with your CSV file. The date must be provided as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Where you provide a payment reference, it must be unique.
  • If you do not provide a payment reference, the system will automatically generate one.