Sandbox Access
If you want to try our APIs, please complete this online form: Sandbox access. A member of our Client Support team will review your required products and get you all set up as soon as possible.
If you want to get started right away and are interested in trying our Open Banking PISP product, try our self-service signup: Self-Service Sandbox access.
Currently only the Open Banking Basic PISP product is available for self-service onboarding.General Overview
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Direct Debits
Nuapay allows you to process Direct Debit payments.
With Direct Debit you are the payee; you can initiate pull payments as agreed with your payers.
We have designed E-Mandates to be easy-to-use, Developer-friendly and customisable so that it can be integrated into your business, regardless of how your business is set up.
See the Implementation Overview section for more details
Swagger ReferenceCredit Transfers
It is possible to initiate Credit Transfer both standard and instant (in GBP via Faster Payments).
CTs may be used in two modes, where you act as a:
Open Banking
Acting as a Payment Initiation Service Provider, Nuapay allows you to offer your users the option to pay via their bank account. For your users that means that they don't need to use a credit card and because they are verifying their credentials on their own online banking portal, they can be confident that their personal data is secure.
For you, the merchant, no chargebacks are possible and funds are credited to your account in real time (via Faster Payments). Cheaper than card payments, we really believe that Open Banking is a game changer for any business handling online payments
As per Article 38 of the supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for strong customer authentication and common and secure open standards of communication, Nuapay as a Payment Institute has published its Open API/Swagger specification to enable TPPs to access Nuapay AIS and PIS services. For more information, please contact
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