The Request Token RESTful API allows you to generate a token for a specific organization (for Partners) or may be used to exchange an API Key for an access token (for merchants).

API Details

Use the Request Access Endpoints to generate an OAuth token which represents access for:

  • A specific Organization (for partner users).
  • A set of scopes.
  • With a defined expiry time.

It is possible to request a token in two modes, as a:

  1. Partner user (“parent” entity), who is requesting a token on behalf of a “child” Merchant organization.
  2. Merchant user who is requesting a token for the current (merchant) entity.

Request an Access Token for an Organisation

Use this service if you are a partner who wants to create a token for a specific merchant entity, which exists under your partner.

Request Access at the Organisation level

Use this service if you are interacting with Nuapay as a merchant and want to exchange your API Key for an access token.