The following Use Cases should give you some good ideas of how best to implement a solution for your particular business. It gives a typical use case and the API requests and Webhooks that we'd recommend to implement.


The following is a list of some of the most common Nuapay use cases:

Use Case Mandate / Direct Debit Setup Description API Requests

Business: A gym where members pay once per month. The fee is typically €50 per month.

Scenario: A paper mandate is received and you want to activate it and add a series of Direct Debit payments.

Mandate Setup: Paper mandates are used

Direct Debit Setup: Each member is configured with a schedule for 12 payments, which are collected monthly, on the 15th or the next business day.

  1. When a paper mandate is received, the details are reviewed to ensure they are correct.
  2. Use Create Mandate to set up your mandate; it is created in Active status.
  3. Use Create Payment Schedule to link a schedule to the mandate in step 2; payments are collected on the 15th of each month.
  4. FInally use List Direct Debits to view the list of Direct Debit payments linked to the schedule created in step 3.
Use Case Mandate / Direct Debit Setup Description API Requests

Business: A charity seeking small donations of €5

Scenario: Once-off , small-value payments are collected. E-mandates are used to generate mandates


Mandate Setup: E-Mandates, using the WordPress Plug-in approach

Direct Debit Setup: Once-off payments added via the Nuapay User Interface

  1. Payers choose to make a donation and opt to pay with a once-off direct debit. They log on to your WordPress Mandate signing page. See WordPress plug-in.
  2. Mandates are created as once-off (payment_type="OOFF" - see WordPress Page Setup). These mandates are created in Active status.
  3. Email notifications inform you when new mandates are signed.
  4. Log on to the Nuapay User Interface to add the €5 payment to the required mandates.


(all API requests are handled through the WordPress plugin and via the Nuapay User Interface)

Use Case Mandate / Direct Debit Setup Description API Requests

Business: A large magazine subscription service.

Scenario: A user has requested that her subscription is cancelled. She has provided her mandate reference.

Mandate Setup: E-Mandates are used

Direct Debit Setup: The customer currently has a payment schedule configured. She has paid 6 of her 12 payments.

  1. Call Retrieve Mandate, passing in the Unique Mandate Reference.
  2. Use the returned resource mandate ID as an argument in the Cancel Mandate request.
  3. Confirm that the mandate's status is CANCELLED in the response.
  4. Optionally call List Direct Debits (passing the Mandate ID returned in step 1) to confirm that all remaining payments in the schedule have been cancelled.
Use Case Mandate / Direct Debit Setup Description API Requests

Business: A large utility, supplying cable television and Internet services

Scenario: A large monthly collection has been made; the Finance team want to reconcile all payments on a daily basis.

Mandate Setup: E-Mandates are used

Direct Debit Setup: Customers are all configured on open-ended schedules with collections being taken on the 10th of each month.

  1. Payments are automatically generated as per the configured schedules with a collection date on the 10th .
  2. Payments are exported two days prior to the settlement date. Pre-settlement Rejects begin to be received from some payers' banks on the 8th and 9th of the month.
  3. Use List Failed Direct Debits to retrieve details of the transactions that have been rejected prior to the settlement date. Use a date range in your request to return the relevant transaction details. Note: We highly recommend that you use the List Failed Direct Debits request every day, specifying the previous business day as the 'From' and 'To' parameters; doing this will ensure that you have a good indication of your Direct Debit payments' statuses every day.
  4. Use List Direct Debits and pass in the 10th as the 'collection date to' and 'collection date from'. This will give you the status of all payments.
  5. Re-run List Failed Direct Debits daily (or possibly more often, if required) after the settlement date to retrieve any additional post-settlement Returns or Refunds.
  6. The details of the response should be captured to export to a report so that your Finance team can fully reconcile all your payers' accounts.