JSON Web Signature
About the JSON Web Signature
The ‘JSON Web Signature’ (JWS) is used as part of a REST header to validate requests made to certain endpoints (Create Beneficiary and Create Credit Transfer, for example).
Note that:
- Having this header indicates that you have signed the request with your private key.
- Any requests to the specific endpoints that require a JWS header, which do not include it, will fail.
A JWS signature header is mandatory for specific requests for the purposes of non-repudiation. Where the JWS is required for a specific endpoint, this will be called out in the API description provided in this documentation. By providing a JWS signature you are ensuring that you, as merchant (or as a partner on behalf of a merchant), have generated the request; no other party has been involved; no tampering has occurred. While the JWS header is mandatory for Credit Transfer endpoints, it may also be used in all Nuapay endpoints if required.
Tip: To see how an example private key, certificate, JOSE header, request body and JWS work together, see the JWS Signature Samples.
Steps Required to Generate a Valid Header
It is possible to configure your certificate via:
- The User Interface
Tip: Partner users must use the REST API approach; Merchant users may use either the REST API or the User Interface method.
User Interface Approach
To create a JOSE header via the UI you will need to:
- Log on to the Nuapay Console.
- Generate a Private Key and a Certificate.
- Retrieve the certificate serial number and decode it.
- Extract the issuer details from your certificate.
- Use these details in your code to generate the JWS Signature when required.
Note: If you do not already have access to the Developer Dashboard, please contact Nuapay support who will be happy to set you up and provide you with your logon credentials.
REST Approach
To create a JOSE header via REST you will need to:
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- Pass that CSR in the
endpoint. - Retrieve the certificate and extract the issuer details.
- Use these details in your code to generate the JWS Signature when required.
Tip: The JWS Signature Generator tool (see the JWS Signature Samples section allows you to test that the JWS is working as expected. You will need to build logic into your application to generate a signature when required for specific payloads (typically for Credit-Transfer-related calls). For an example of how this might be done in Java, see the JWS Sample Java on Nuapay Github.
Setup Approaches
For more details on the configuration steps see:
- JWS Configuration via UI (for Merchants only)
- JWS Configuration via REST (for Partners and Merchants)