Account Creation Webhook event

Webhook Message Details

This Webhook has just one event type: AccountCreation

Webhook Event Message Details

The following table describes the details of the Webhook notification:

Parent Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
root eventTimestamp number Mandatory The Unix epoch timestamp
root eventType string Mandatory AccountCreation
root resourceReference string optional The business reference of the resource: the IBAN.
root resourceReferenceType string optional This can be a business reference of the resource, useful when filtering events via the Webhooks area of the Nuapay Console.
root resourceUri string Mandatory This is URI of the account. Use the URI to retrieve details of the account via the View Account service.
root resourceId string Mandatory The encoded technical ID of the resource being referenced in the event.
root resourceType string Mandatory This is the type of the resource to which the URI is related. In this case it is an Account resource.
root reasonCode string optional Null for this event.
root resourceOwner string Mandatory This is the identifier of the merchant resource to which this event notification is linked.
root resourceRemittanceInformation string optional Remittance information - null for this event type.

JSON Sample

The following is an example of an Incoming CT event JSON:


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-signature: 123ab01d030dee864fb44cc65a3be52ae591f46cde8d14d3e72fbc3790e4a304
Content-Length: 261
X-Request-Id: dc645679-71a5-498d-bb29-ec027948c7c1

JSON Request Body

  "eventTimestamp": 1727154185004,
  "eventType": "AccountCreation",
  "resourceReference": "GB12SELN00999912345678",
  "resourceReferenceType": "IBAN",
  "resourceUri": "/accounts/qj29pkgnbx/",
  "resourceId": "qj29pkgnbx",
  "resourceType": "Account",
  "reasonCode": null,
  "resourceOwner": "tc47ygrg72",
  "resourceRemittanceInformation": null
