Express Credit Transfer Reject Webhook event
Trigger: A PACS.002 Reject Import against an Express Credit Transfer (EUR) or a Webhook received from the Nuapay Faster Payments processing partner (GBP).
Tip: Webhooks may be updated from time to time and it is important to consider the Versioning and Backward Compatibility guidelines when developing your solution. We recommend that your handler ignores new fields it is not expecting; any new fields that may be added will provide new information, which may be safely ignored.
Webhook Message Details
This Webhook has the following event types:
Webhook Event Type | Description |
InstantCreditTransferCSMReject | Triggered where a PACS.002 import from the CSM updates an Express Credit Transfer transaction (EUR) to status = REJECTED |
InstantCreditTransferBBReject | Triggered where a PACS.002 import updates the Express CT transaction (EUR) to status = REJECTED . This reject was generated by the Beneficiary Bank (BB) rather than at Clearing. |
CreditTransferReject | Triggered when a Webhook is received from the 3rd-Party FPS processor, informing of a CT transaction (GBP) rejection |
Webhook Event Message Details
The following table describes the details of the Webhook notification:
Parent | Parameter | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Description |
root | eventTimestamp | number | Mandatory | The Unix epoch timestamp |
root | eventType | string | Mandatory | One of: - InstantCreditTransferCSMReject - InstantCreditTransferBBReject - CreditTransferReject |
root | resourceReference | string | optional | This can be the business reference of the resource, useful when filtering events via the Webhooks area of the Nuapay Console. |
root | resourceReferenceType | string | optional | This can be a business reference of the resource, useful when filtering events via the Webhooks area of the Nuapay Console. |
root | resourceUri | string | Mandatory | This is the URI of the resource. Use the URI to retrieve more details - see Retrieve Credit Transfer. |
root | resourceId | string | Mandatory | The encoded technical ID of the resource being referenced in the event. |
root | resourceType | string | Mandatory | This is the type of the resource to which the URI is related. In this case it is a Credit Transfer resource. |
root | reasonCode | string | optional | The The SEPA Reason Code or the Bacs Reason Code (depending on the scheme) |
root | resourceOwner | string | Mandatory | This is the identifier of the merchant resource to which this notification is linked. |
root | resourceRemittanceInformation | string | optional | Remittance information related to the transaction. |
JSON Sample
The following is an example of a Credit Transfer Rejection event JSON:
POST | |
Content-Type: | application/json;charset=UTF-8 |
x-signature: | 123ab01d030dee864fb44cc65a3be52ae591f46cde8d14d3e72fbc3790e4a304 |
Content-Length: | 261 |
X-Request-Id: | dc645679-71a5-498d-bb29-ec027948c7c1 |
JSON Request Body
"eventTimestamp": 1501169079000,
"eventType": "InstantCreditTransferBBReject",
"resourceReference": "321-CTAB-234-GFT",
"resourceReferenceType": "EndToEndId",
"resourceUri": "/beneficiaries/abxq9ox92l/credittransfers/a2av38kz2w",
"resourceId": "a2av38kz2w",
"resourceType": "CreditTransfer",
"reasonCode": "CUST",
"resourceOwner": "tc47ygrg72",
"resourceRemittanceInformation": "PAYMENT RE: DEF"
Tip: Webhook URIs do not include a version number. If you are attempting to retrieve a specific resource via a v2 API, please make sure to include the full
path in your request.