List CTs in a Batch RESTful API

API Details

  • The GET /credittransfers/batches/{creditTransferBatchId}/credittransfers endpoint allows you to view all the payments connected to a batch of CT payments.
  • This endpoint reuses the same object structure as the standard credit transfer endpoint, ensuring consistency across the API.
  • You can filter the list of credit transfers using parameters such as end-to-end ID, beneficiary IBAN, beneficiary name, and execution date range.
  • For batches with a status of QUEUED, the endpoint returns an HTTP 202 (ACCEPTED) response with no body, indicating that the list of credit transfers is not yet available.
  • For other batch statuses, the endpoint returns a standard HTTP 200 (OK) response containing a list of credit transfer objects with details like originator IBAN, requested and actual execution dates, payment amount and currency, end-to-end ID, remittance information, payment status, type, and payment scheme.