View a CT Batch RESTful API

API Details

  • The GET /credittransfers/Batches/{creditTransferBatchId} endpoint allows you to retrieve information about a specific batch using its unique ID, which is generated during the creation process using thePOST /credittransfers/batches API.
  • This endpoint returns a response object similar to the one from the POST request, including details such as the batch ID, reference, requested execution date, actual execution date, number of transactions, total amount, etc.
  • Additionally, this endpoint provides access to view the credit transfers associated with a particular batch (through a link to the GET /credittransfers/batches/{creditTransferBatchId}/credittransfers) endpoint.
  • The response will display different batch statuses depending on the stage of processing, ranging from QUEUED to COMPLETE or COMPLETE WITH ERRORS (see Credit Transfer Statuses for details on the various possible statuses).