Request Verification RESTful API

API Details

The Request Verification endpoint allows you to:

  • Provide the name you want to verify.
  • The name you provide will be compared to the account holder name stored at the bank.
  • A successful request will result in a 201 verification created response. The verification is not completed at this point; initially, the verification request will have a PENDING status.
  • Note that the end user will complete the verification via the User Interface (as described in the End User Experience).
  • It is possible to have the verification flow as a pop-up (CHECKOUT mode) or the screen may be opened in a new browser Window/tab (REDIRECT); specify the required UI by setting the integrationType value.


The Idempotency check is only against successful requests, so where a previous call has resulted in any of the following HTTP Response Codes, that Idempotency key may be reused without any issue:

  • 401
  • 403
  • 404
  • 408
  • 500
  • 501
  • 503