Activate Mandate RESTful API

API Details

Where a SEPA mandate is in PENDING or SUSPENDED status you can set it to ACTIVE so that Direct Debit Payments can be made against it.

  • If you are using paper mandates then you may need to consider an option on your custom application to allow operators to click a button to activate mandates when a signed mandate is received, which would call this service.
  • If you are using E-Mandates, the activate mandate request is dynamically called and may (optionally) include details related to the electronic signing event (IP Address, location of the signature, the mobile phone or email address used).


The Idempotency check is only against successful requests, so where a previous call has resulted in any of the following HTTP Response Codes, that Idempotency key may be reused without any issue:

  • 401
  • 403
  • 404
  • 408
  • 500
  • 501
  • 503