Bacs Direct Debit Indemnity Claim Advice Webhook event

Webhook Message Details

This Webhook notifies you that a payer has sought a refund for a previously-settled Direct Debit payment.

Note that:

  • The payer’s bank will initially refund the payer in the event of an error in the payment of a Direct Debit by you, the merchant (the Service User in Bacs terminology).
  • The payer’s bank then use the indemnity claim process to recover the refunded payment from you, the merchant.
  • An indemnity claim can only be raised for the full amount of the original Direct Debit payment.
  • This Webhook notifies you that a claim has been initiated.
  • The value of the Direct Debit is not debited immediately, you have the option to contest the claim, if you feel that you debited the payment in good faith and did not breach any Bacs guidelines in taking the payment.
  • Bacs allows you a number of business days to contest the claim.
  • If you are unsuccessful in contesting the claim, the value of the Direct Debit will be automatically debited from your account on Day 14 (this Webhook will be received on Day 1). (Each “Day” is a working day)

For more on the possible refund reasons and the challenges available, see DDIC Reason Codes.

We also recommend that you contact your Account Manager who will be able to assist you with the challenge process.

Webhook Event Message Details

The following table describes the details of the Webhook notification:

Parent Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
root eventTimestamp number Mandatory The Unix epoch timestamp
root eventType string Mandatory IndemnityClaimReceived
root resourceReference string optional This can be the business reference of the resource, useful when filtering events via the Webhooks area of the Developer Dashboard.
root resourceReferenceType string optional This can be a business reference of the resource, useful when filtering events via the Webhooks area of the Developer Dashboard.
root resourceUri string Mandatory This is URI of the resource for RESTful API querying; a Direct Debit URI. You can use this to query the resource with a Retrieve Direct Debit call for example.
root resourceId string Mandatory The encoded technical ID of the resource being referenced in the event.
root resourceType string Mandatory This is the type of the resource to which the URI is related. In this case it is a Direct Debit resource.
root reasonCode string optional The Bacs DDIC Reason Code
root resourceOwner string Mandatory This is the identifier of the merchant resource to which this notification is linked.
root resourceRemittanceInformation string optional Remittance information related to the transaction.

JSON Sample

The following is an example of a Direct Debit Indemnity Claim Received event JSON:


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-signature: 123ab01d030dee864fb44cc65a3be52ae591f46cde8d14d3e72fbc3790e4a304
Content-Length: 261
X-Request-Id: dc645679-71a5-498d-bb29-ec027948c7c1

JSON Request Body

    "eventTimestamp": 1501169079000,
    "eventType": "IndemnityClaimReceived",
	"resourceReference": "MAND12345abcdefd",
	"resourceReferenceType": "EndToEndId",
	"resourceUri": "/schemes/p2lqa394mv/mandates/lbyjxj5ebd/directdebits/a2rexnvdmq",
	"resourceId": "a2rexnvdmq",
	"resourceType": "DirectDebit",
	"reasonCode": "8",
	"resourceOwner": "tc47ygrg72",
	"resourceRemittanceInformation": null