Direct Debit Intruction cancel Webhook event

Webhook Message Details

This Webhook has the following event types:

Webhook Event Type Description
MandateCancel Nuapay may be notified by the scheme of a cancellation of a DDI. In this scenario a payer has gone to his/her bank and requested that the Direct Debit Instruction be cancelled so that funds may no longer be debited from his/her account. Bacs issue a notification file, referred to as an ADDACS, to notify of cancelations. Once processed, Nuapay will update the DDI status to CANCELLED and trigger this notification, provided the partner/merchant has been configured to receive it.

The full list of possible cancellation reasons is provided under ADDACS Reason Codes.

Webhook Event Message Details

The following table describes the details of the Webhook notification:

Parent Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
root eventTimestamp number Mandatory The Unix epoch timestamp
root eventType string Mandatory MandateCancel
root resourceReference string optional This is the business reference of the resource (the Mandate ID/unique mandate/DDI reference).
root resourceReferenceType string optional This is set to MandateReference for this message.
root resourceUri string Mandatory This is URI of the resource allowing you to query the mandate details. See Retrieve Mandate.
root resourceId string Mandatory The encoded technical ID of the resource being referenced in the event.
root resourceType string Mandatory This is the type of the resource to which the URI is related. In this case it is a mandate resource.
root reasonCode string Optional The Reason code as assigned during the ADDACS import.
root resourceOwner string Mandatory This is the identifier of the merchant resource to which this notification is linked.
root resourceRemittanceInformation string optional Remittance information related to the transaction.

JSON Sample

The following is an example of an electronic mandate signing event JSON:


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
x-signature: 123ab01d030dee864fb44cc65a3be52ae591f46cde8d14d3e72fbc3790e4a304
Content-Length: 261
X-Request-Id: dc645679-71a5-498d-bb29-ec027948c7c1

JSON Request Body

    "eventTimestamp": 1501169079000,
    "eventType": "MandateCancel",
	"resourceReference": "MY-UNIQUE-MANDATE-REF",
	"resourceReferenceType": "MandateReference",
	"resourceUri": "/schemes/p2lqa394mv/mandates/ltc1ebd",
	"resourceId": "ltc1ebd",
	"resourceType": "Mandate",
	"reasonCode": 2,
	"resourceOwner": "tc47ygrg72",
	"resourceRemittanceInformation": null	