Details on the ASPSP Sandbox access for Open Banking testing

The ASPSP Sandbox allows you to simulate Open Banking calls by interacting with the Nuapay Test Bank. Depending on the integration mode, the method for accessing the test bank varies (see the following sections for details on the available modes):

Checkout Mode

For Checkout users who want to access the Nuapay Test Bank:

  1. Call the POST /payments service (setting integrationType = CHECKOUT).
  2. On the Bank Selection screen that’s rendered, select the Nuapay Test Bank.
  3. Use the following credentials to log on: username = psu and password = psu

Self-Hosted Mode

For Self-Hosted users who want to access the Test Bank:

  1. Call the GET /banks service to retrieve the list of configured banks (see Retrieve Banks for more information on this).
  2. Note down the ID of the Nuapay Test Bank.
  3. Call the POST /payments service (setting integrationType = SELF_HOSTED and providing the appropriate bankId, which you retrieved in step 2).
  4. The response returns the aspspAuthUrl (the URL to the Sandbox ASPSP i.e. the Nuapay Test Bank)
  5. Launch the returned URL in your browser and log on to the Nuapay Test Bank (ASPSP); use the following credentials: username = psu and password = psu

Self-Hosted-Callback Mode

For Self-Hosted-Callback users who want to access the Test Bank:

  1. Call the GET /banks service to retrieve the list of configured banks (see Retrieve Banks for more information on this).
  2. Note down the ID of the Nuapay Test Bank.
  3. Call the POST /payments service (setting integrationType = SELF_HOSTED_CALLBACK and providing the appropriate bankId, which you retrieved in step 2).
  4. The response returns the aspspAuthUrl (the URL to the Sandbox ASPSP i.e. the Nuapay Test Bank)
  5. Launch the returned URL in your browser and log on to the Nuapay Test Bank (ASPSP); use the following credentials: username = psu and password = psu

Simulating Different Responses

When creating a payment, specify a differenet value for the pence amont to trigger a specific final transaction status:

Payment Amount Final Status Notes
Any Amount (not ending in .10, .20, .30 or 0.40) SETTLEMENT_IN_PROGRESS After the payment is authorised by the PSU in the Nuapay Test Bank the payment status will transition to a final status of SETTLEMENT_IN_PROGRESS.
xxx.10 SETTLEMENT_COMPLETE After the payment is authorised by the PSU in the Nuapay Test Bank, the payment status will transition to a final status of SETTLEMENT_COMPLETE. Once you call a GET /payments/{paymentId} (Retrieve Payment) for the transaction, the status will be returned as SETTLEMENT_COMPLETE. This simulates the real-world scenario where it will typically take some time (generally only a few seconds) for the payment to update to its final status .
xxx.20 SETTLEMENT_REJECTED After the payment is authorised by the PSU in the Nuapay Test Bank, the payment status will transition to a final status of SETTLEMENT_REJECTED. Call a GET /payments/{paymentId} (Retrieve Payment) for the transaction to confirm that its status is SETTLEMENT_REJECTED
xxx.30 PAYMENT_RECEIVED After the payment is authorised by the PSU in the Nuapay Test Bank, the payment status will transition initially to a status of SETTLEMENT_COMPLETE. Once you call a GET /payments/{paymentId} (Retrieve Payment) for the transaction, the status will be returned as PAYMENT_RECEIVED. This simulates the real-world scenario where it will typically take some time (typically a few seconds) for the payment to be credited to your Nuapay account.
xxx.40 SETTLEMENT_PENDING After the payment is authorised by the PSU in the Nuapay Test Bank, the payment status will transition to a status of SETTLEMENT_PENDING. This simulates the real-world scenario where multiple authorisations are required on a PSU account. The other authorising PSUs would need to authorise the payment before it can transition to a final status.

Payment Transitions

The following table gives a summary of the status transitions, based on the amounts specified in the Test Bank:

Amount Statuses
Any Amount (not ending in .10, .20, .30) Status Transitions:
Amount Ending in .10 Status Transitions:
Amount Ending in .20 Status Transitions:
Amount Ending in .30 Status Transitions:
Amount Ending in .40 Status Transitions:

See Payment Statuses For more information on the various possible statuses.