For Partners/Merchants who would like to use the payment & E-Mandate setup flow, using their own User Interface, this section describes the APIs required.

In order to launch the Open Banking Payment and E-Mandate signup flow, in SELF_HOSTED mode, you must call a number of payment- and mandate-related APIs, as outlined below.

We highly recommend that you use Postman to test our APIs on the Sandbox environment. See the Postman Overview section for more on this.

Payment APIs

The following APIs are required:

Service Endpoint Description
Retrieve Bank GET /banks Returns the list of banks to be displayed on the Bank Selection screen.
Create Payment POST /payments Creates the Open Banking payment.As part of this interaction the payer is:
  • Passed to the selected bank to authorise the payment.
  • Redirected back from the bank.
Retrieve Payment GET / payments/{paymentId} Retrieve the Payment Details to check its status = PAYMENT_RECEIVED or wait for the PaymentReceived Webhook (or both).
This call also retrieves the debtor details for the E-Mandate preparation step.

Create & Sign the Mandate/DDI

Once the payment has been successfully processed, the following services are required to complete the E-Mandate signing step:

Service Endpoint Description
Prepare E-Mandate POST /emandates This request returns a unique token used to render the E-Mandate screen. The Token encapsulates:
  • The Merchant configurations
  • Merchant-specific details (Creditor Scheme ID, Scheme Type, etc.)
  • Payer details (Address details, phone details, email, etc.)
The account details retrieved from the Open Banking payment are used to pre-populate the account details when the PSU goes to sign the E-Mandates. Note that these details are displayed in read-only mode, the user cannot modify the details.
Initialise Conversation (Optional) GET /conversations/init Call this service to see the next available steps in the conversation.
This is an optional step.
Retrieve E-Mandate Details (Optional) GET /conversations/sign Use this service to retrieve the E-Mandate details to be rendered for the payer to sign.
This is an optional step.
Sign Mandate POST /conversations/sign Call this service to sign the Mandate. This step is required. Certain response elements should be stored for use later.
  • The encodedMandateId and encodedSchemeId are required to build the URI where you can retrieve your Signed Mandate details.
  • You will also need this for matching of the MandateElectonicSign notification (if you have enabled the Mandate Signature Webhook.
Retrieve E-Mandate (Optional) GET /conversations/document After the E-Mandate is signed the PSU may receive a Mandate PDF via E-Mail. If you want to download the PDF for your records use this service.
This step is optional
Retrieve Mandate (Optional) GET /schemes/{schemeId}/mandates/{mandateId} Use this service to retrieve the mandate details after it has been signed.
This step is optional